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Interested in me? You can browse through the tabs below to learn everything you want to know about me. Have fun 😉


How to use Colab TPUs with large datasets (for almost free)My guide on using TPUs in Colab with large datasets. Avaliable as a medium article.

SERS Nanowire Chip and Machine Learning-Enabled Classification of Wild-Type and Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria at Species and Strain LevelsI worked together with Dr. Dushan Wadduwage from Harvard university to create a Siamese neural network to classify the Raman Spectroscopy obtained by Sathi's SERS Nanowire chip.

Multi-label Classification of Reduced-lead ECGs using an Interpretable Deep Convolutional Neural NetworkThe model created for the Physionet competition was further analyzed using SHAP. We found out that the model learned almost exactly the same diagnostic criteria used by cardiologists.

Multi-Label Cardiac Abnormality Classification from Electrocardiogram Using Deep Convolutional Neural NetworksThis is the paper published for the Physionet competition and presented in the CinC conference. We were able to create a model that classified 26 cardiac abnormalities from reduced-lead ECGs.


An AI Powered User friendly Neonatal Seizure Detection SystemWe designed an active-dry-electrode-based wireless EEG device with real-time monitoring, seizure detection, automatic artifact removal, and interpretability. We tested our device on children with absence seizures in realtime and device performed succesfully.

Electrooculography based Computer Interaction SystemEOG signals obtained from around the eye are analyzed to record the horizontal and vertical movement of the eye. The obtained signals are then used to classify the signals and control a computer game.

Smart stethoscope with ECGIntegrate a MEMS microphone in a custom diaphragm to get Phonocardiogram signals together with 3 lead ECG signals to create a smart stethoscope.

RISC-V Architecture based ProcessorImplement a processor on an Intel Altera DE2-115 FPGA board based on the RISC-V micro-architecture and instruction set. We were able to run a whack-a-mole game on the board.

Landfill Methane Monitoring and Analyzing systemA low-power IOT device to measure and analyze the methane levels found in landfills. The analyzed methane levels are transmitted over large distances through NBIOT*. The data is captured and stored in Microsoft Azure databases. Azure services are used to notify and alert users. Long term collected data will be used to predict methane levels using machine learning.

Reduced lead ECG classification using Deep CNNMachine learning model created using a Deep CNN to classify 26 cardiac abnormalities using reduced lead ECGs. The model is interpreted using Shapley additive explanations.

PID-based Hot Plate Temperature ControllerA hot plate temperature controller with a high output power is implemented using a PID controller to bring the temperature to a desired value.

Analog Implementation of a Simplex Line Coding TransceiverThis is our second lab project (group) done in semester 3. Here we mainly used the recently learned knowledge of analog electronic components. Our objective was to fully encode a bitstream in manchester, transmit over a large distance, and decode it in the receiving end; only using analog components.

Alarm ClockThis is our first lab project (group) done in semester 2. We were able to use our knowledge of PCB Designing, Enclosure Designing, AVR-C coding (microcontroller programming) in this project. We made an alarm clock from scratch.


Project: Electrooculography signals based Human-Computer Interaction System
Most Innovative Idea - 1st Place - EXMO/Everbolt - Flagship Engineering Exhibition
Honorable Mention - Gaming Category - (Top 15 out of 200 projects) - Build2gether Inclusive Innovation Challenge - Hackster.io

Project: Landfill Methane Monitoring and Analyzing System
Microsoft Imagine Cup 2023 | National Final Winner | 4th place South East Asia Regional Finals
Winners IEEE Innovation Nation Sri Lanka Provincial Competition

Project: Reduced lead ECG classification using Deep CNN
2nd Runners up Physionet/CinC challenge 2021 all-lead | 3-lead | 2-lead

ScholarX Graduate - Sustainable Education Foundation

Emerging Young Leader | AIESEC in University of Moratuwa | CS Eminence 2020


Brainstorm is the premier biomedical engineering competition in Sri Lanka. We brought young undergraduates from around the country to promote the healthcare industry in Sri Lanka with innovative ideas. I got a great opportunity to work together with the corporate sector by acting as a co-chair of the competition. Should definitely mention the amazing support I got from my friends/organizing committee to make this a success.


Heal a Nation is a project initiated to uplift the healthcare industry in Sri Lanka. We completed multiple events, including 2 blood donation campaigns and healthcare workshops. Acting as a vice president of the project, I was able to organize and conduct these events with the help of my friends/OC. Being able to bring smiles to the kids from rural areas is a memory that I still cherish to this day.


I'd love to message or meet anyone to share knowledge. Contact me through any method below anytime. Currently, I'm mostly using WhatsApp and I always check my emails. Cheers!